create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

Create an image of a young Japanese schoolgirl with long, brown hair and hazel eyes. Her face has a 'V' shape, typical of many Asian beauty standards. She is wearing a traditional uniform consisting of a sailor-style blouse and pleated skirt. She is situated in a school setting, with classrooms, lockers, and study areas in the backdrop. The scene takes a twist as the surrounding environment seems to be undergoing a zombie apocalypse. The style should be influenced by Manga, featuring exaggerated physical features and vibrant color palettes. The image should be void of any written text.

Create an image of a young Japanese schoolgirl with long, brown hair and hazel eyes. Her face has a 'V' shape, typical of many Asian beauty standards. She is wearing a traditional uniform consisting of a sailor-style blouse and pleated skirt. She is situated in a school setting, with classrooms, lockers, and study areas in the backdrop. The scene takes a twist as the surrounding environment seems to be undergoing a zombie apocalypse. The style should be influenced by Manga, featuring exaggerated physical features and vibrant color palettes. The image should be void of any written text.

create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

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