create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

Imagine a young girl of Japanese descent, her long, glossy brown hair flowing down her back. Her delicate, 'V'-shaped face is illuminated by her enchanting hazel eyes. She's wearing a neat school uniform, comprising a blouse and a pleated skirt, the classic attire of a diligent student. She's standing in the familiar confines of her school, a setting that once symbolized routine and order, now juxtaposed with chaos and fear as a zombie apocalypse rages in the background. Note that this scene should mimic the dramatic and detailed line work found in traditional manga.

Imagine a young girl of Japanese descent, her long, glossy brown hair flowing down her back. Her delicate, 'V'-shaped face is illuminated by her enchanting hazel eyes. She's wearing a neat school uniform, comprising a blouse and a pleated skirt, the classic attire of a diligent student. She's standing in the familiar confines of her school, a setting that once symbolized routine and order, now juxtaposed with chaos and fear as a zombie apocalypse rages in the background. Note that this scene should mimic the dramatic and detailed line work found in traditional manga.

create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

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