
Create an abstract mood board featuring various elements that might depict different moods. Include images such as a sunny landscape for happiness, a rainy window for sadness, a fast-flowing river for excitement. Make sure to also add into the mix a colourful fireworks display for celebration, a serene sunset over the ocean for peace, and a fierce thunderstorm for anger. Lastly, provide a gradient of colours flowing from bright to dark symbolizing the spectrum of human emotions.

Create an abstract mood board featuring various elements that might depict different moods. Include images such as a sunny landscape for happiness, a rainy window for sadness, a fast-flowing river for excitement. Make sure to also add into the mix a colourful fireworks display for celebration, a serene sunset over the ocean for peace, and a fierce thunderstorm for anger. Lastly, provide a gradient of colours flowing from bright to dark symbolizing the spectrum of human emotions.


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