Kobold that wants a fight

Design a scene showcasing a small, reptilian creature with dragon-like features, commonly referred to as a Kobold, displaying a confident and aggressive stance as if eager for a fight. Emulate a style reminiscent of traditional Japanese comics which are known for their highly detailed and dynamic visuals, often stemming from frame-breaking. The image should be assembled with clean lines, high contrast and expressive character design, typical of that medium. The image should not contain any text elements.

Design a scene showcasing a small, reptilian creature with dragon-like features, commonly referred to as a Kobold, displaying a confident and aggressive stance as if eager for a fight. Emulate a style reminiscent of traditional Japanese comics which are known for their highly detailed and dynamic visuals, often stemming from frame-breaking. The image should be assembled with clean lines, high contrast and expressive character design, typical of that medium. The image should not contain any text elements.

Kobold that wants a fight

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