DND full body scale, Mostly fox part human, part fox part human features, blue and white fur, more fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur, mostly fox, part human, blue and white fur mix fur, scar eye, blind eye, goggles on head, half face been scarred

This creation is a unique character standing full-length, with the features primarily inspired by a fox but intermingling with human aspects. The fur, which covers most of its body, exhibits a striking blend of icy blue and pure white shades. The facial area showcases a fascinating mix of fox-like and human traits. Protective goggles rest casually on the creature's head, contributing to its intriguing persona. One eye carries a scar, marking a past encounter, while the other seems devoid of vision. Furthermore, one half of its face is adorned by distinctive scarring, a testament to its battle-hardened life.

This creation is a unique character standing full-length, with the features primarily inspired by a fox but intermingling with human aspects. The fur, which covers most of its body, exhibits a striking blend of icy blue and pure white shades. The facial area showcases a fascinating mix of fox-like and human traits. Protective goggles rest casually on the creature's head, contributing to its intriguing persona. One eye carries a scar, marking a past encounter, while the other seems devoid of vision. Furthermore, one half of its face is adorned by distinctive scarring, a testament to its battle-hardened life.

DND full body scale, Mostly fox part human, part fox part human features, blue and white fur, more fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur, mostly fox, part human, blue and white fur mix fur, scar eye, blind eye, goggles on head, half face been scarred

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