create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

Generate a detailed image of a young female student of Japanese descent, characterized by her long, brown hair and almond-shaped hazel eyes. She has a 'V' shaped face and is adorned in her school uniform. She is situated within her school, adding an intriguing dimension of domestic familiarity to the otherwise chaotic scene. The setting is reflective of an apocalyptic environment with zombie-like figures in the backdrop. The entire artwork is to be conveyed with the defining visuals reminiscent of traditional Manga aesthetic, focusing on its vibrant contrast, dynamic frame settings, and exaggerated expressions.

Generate a detailed image of a young female student of Japanese descent, characterized by her long, brown hair and almond-shaped hazel eyes. She has a 'V' shaped face and is adorned in her school uniform. She is situated within her school, adding an intriguing dimension of domestic familiarity to the otherwise chaotic scene. The setting is reflective of an apocalyptic environment with zombie-like figures in the backdrop. The entire artwork is to be conveyed with the defining visuals reminiscent of traditional Manga aesthetic, focusing on its vibrant contrast, dynamic frame settings, and exaggerated expressions.

create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

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