A big-eyed, smooth-skinned fat man stuffing his belly with hamburgers

Visualize a character concept in the style of Chibi, a popular artistic style before 1912. Think along the lines of a plump, smooth-skinned man with large, expressive eyes, who's enthusiastically filling his ample belly with cheeseburgers. The man should display a sense of joy and satisfaction with each bite, truly relishing his food. Make sure there's no written or printed word anywhere within the picture.

Visualize a character concept in the style of Chibi, a popular artistic style before 1912. Think along the lines of a plump, smooth-skinned man with large, expressive eyes, who's enthusiastically filling his ample belly with cheeseburgers. The man should display a sense of joy and satisfaction with each bite, truly relishing his food. Make sure there's no written or printed word anywhere within the picture.

A big-eyed, smooth-skinned fat man stuffing his belly with hamburgers

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