White skin , blue hair that reaches her lower back , pointed ears but her left ear is clipped, leather armor with snowflakes, white eyes with blue specs , and a mistletoe in her hair 

Create an illustration of a female character featuring a unique fantasy aesthetic. She is Caucasian with an ethereal pallor accentuated by striking white eyes, which contain tiny flecks of blue. Her hair is a vivid shade of blue and cascades down to her lower back, allowing her distinct pointed ears to be visible, with the left one being notably clipped. She is dressed in intricately crafted leather armor, decorated with the delicate motif of snowflakes. Tucked amidst her blue tresses is a sprig of mistletoe. The style of this image should be reminiscent of traditional Japanese animation and manga.

Create an illustration of a female character featuring a unique fantasy aesthetic. She is Caucasian with an ethereal pallor accentuated by striking white eyes, which contain tiny flecks of blue. Her hair is a vivid shade of blue and cascades down to her lower back, allowing her distinct pointed ears to be visible, with the left one being notably clipped. She is dressed in intricately crafted leather armor, decorated with the delicate motif of snowflakes. Tucked amidst her blue tresses is a sprig of mistletoe. The style of this image should be reminiscent of traditional Japanese animation and manga.

White skin , blue hair that reaches her lower back , pointed ears but her left ear is clipped, leather armor with snowflakes, white eyes with blue specs , and a mistletoe in her hair

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