3D male white scrubs for patterns and mock up

Envision a meticulously created 3D image of a white medical uniform, also known as scrubs, designed for a male individual. Take into consideration the typical separate elements of scrubs such as the loose-fitting shirt and trousers. Endow the image with details like pockets, lapels, trims to reflect realism, and perfect for displaying patterns. This 3D model should serve as a mock up for further design or pattern application.

Envision a meticulously created 3D image of a white medical uniform, also known as scrubs, designed for a male individual. Take into consideration the typical separate elements of scrubs such as the loose-fitting shirt and trousers. Endow the image with details like pockets, lapels, trims to reflect realism, and perfect for displaying patterns. This 3D model should serve as a mock up for further design or pattern application.

3D male white scrubs for patterns and mock up

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