Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet

Generate an image of a unique tattoo design on the human body. The focal point of the design is a harmonious bouquet comprising of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, a single morning glory, a water lily, and a violet. The artist's style should be distinctive but does not reference any specific modern artist or art movement.

Generate an image of a unique tattoo design on the human body. The focal point of the design is a harmonious bouquet comprising of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, a single morning glory, a water lily, and a violet. The artist's style should be distinctive but does not reference any specific modern artist or art movement.

Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet

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