androgynous knight with a sword, with a gold woman smiling from behind them. The knight has short hair and looks angry 

Create an intricate collage in the artistic era of Art Nouveau. The main focus is an androgynous knight with short hair, who radiates an aura of anger, and is holding a sword. Their attire should have traditional elements of a medieval knight. Behind them, there is a golden woman, her face is glowing with a broad smile. She seems to be cloaked in an aura of radiant gold. Their combined image should reflect the ornamental and richly decorative characteristics of Art Nouveau, filled with curvilinear forms and intricate patterns.

Create an intricate collage in the artistic era of Art Nouveau. The main focus is an androgynous knight with short hair, who radiates an aura of anger, and is holding a sword. Their attire should have traditional elements of a medieval knight. Behind them, there is a golden woman, her face is glowing with a broad smile. She seems to be cloaked in an aura of radiant gold. Their combined image should reflect the ornamental and richly decorative characteristics of Art Nouveau, filled with curvilinear forms and intricate patterns.

androgynous knight with a sword, with a gold woman smiling from behind them. The knight has short hair and looks angry

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