Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet flower

Create a captivating image of a bouquet tattoo on a human body. The bouquet includes two daisies, two chrysanthemums, a morning glory, a water lily, and a violet flower. The artistic style should echo pre-1912 works with enriched detail, heightened color contrast, and a distinct focus on the intricacy of the flower design. Note that the tattoo should look natural and harmonious on the skin, blending seamlessly and beautifully.

Create a captivating image of a bouquet tattoo on a human body. The bouquet includes two daisies, two chrysanthemums, a morning glory, a water lily, and a violet flower. The artistic style should echo pre-1912 works with enriched detail, heightened color contrast, and a distinct focus on the intricacy of the flower design. Note that the tattoo should look natural and harmonious on the skin, blending seamlessly and beautifully.

Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet flower

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