Power rangers mega force fanfiction Troy and Gia tell the other members of their team that they are twins and their parents are Leo Corbett and Kendrix Morgan the red and pink lost galaxy rangers Noah then asks who was born first Troy says he was by three minutes but Gia disagrees saying she heard their mom say she was first they can’t agree so they call their parents to see if they remember Kendrix tells them the only thing she remembers is how long she was in labor with both of them

Power rangers mega force fanfiction Troy and Gia tell the other members of their team that they are twins and their parents are Leo Corbett and Kendrix Morgan the red and pink lost galaxy rangers Noah then asks who was born first Troy says he was by three minutes but Gia disagrees saying she heard their mom say she was first they can’t agree so they call their parents to see if they remember Kendrix tells them the only thing she remembers is how long she was in labor with both of them

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