Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet

Create a minimalist tattoo design featuring a bouquet of flowers with 2 distinct daisies, 2 chrysanthemums, a single morning glory, a water lily, and a violet. Each floral element must stand out distinctly, aligned with the principles of line art. Please use clean lines and focused outlines to bring out the form of each flower species, keeping the overall tattoo design simple yet elegant.

Create a minimalist tattoo design featuring a bouquet of flowers with 2 distinct daisies, 2 chrysanthemums, a single morning glory, a water lily, and a violet. Each floral element must stand out distinctly, aligned with the principles of line art. Please use clean lines and focused outlines to bring out the form of each flower species, keeping the overall tattoo design simple yet elegant.

Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet

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