Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet flower

An image is desired of a tattoo design on a human body with a floral theme. Specifically, a bouquet of flowers containing two daisies, two chrysanthemums, a morning glory, a water lily, and a violet flower. For the style, use enhancing techniques to bring out the details and colors of the flowers, ensuring it properly showcases the beauty of the design.

An image is desired of a tattoo design on a human body with a floral theme. Specifically, a bouquet of flowers containing two daisies, two chrysanthemums, a morning glory, a water lily, and a violet flower. For the style, use enhancing techniques to bring out the details and colors of the flowers, ensuring it properly showcases the beauty of the design.

Bouquet of 2 daisys, 2 chrysanthemums, morning glory, water lily, and violet flower

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