A festive Mardi Gras-themed wedding with beads and masks.

Depict a vibrant and electrifying scene of a Mardi Gras-themed wedding celebration. The reception area should be suffused with rich colors of purple, green, and gold. Exquisite tables should be laid out, with intricate masquerade masks and bunches of sparkling beads as centerpieces. The wedding cake placed on one side should showcase elements of Mardi Gras theme, adorned with feathers, beads, and miniature masks. The bride, a Hispanic woman, and the groom, a Caucasian man, both should be wearing festive attire: the bride in a well-crafted gown with hints of Mardi Gras colors and the groom in a black tuxedo with a colorful cummerbund reflecting Mardi Gras theme. Let the couple hold ornate masks adding to the festive allure.

Depict a vibrant and electrifying scene of a Mardi Gras-themed wedding celebration. The reception area should be suffused with rich colors of purple, green, and gold. Exquisite tables should be laid out, with intricate masquerade masks and bunches of sparkling beads as centerpieces. The wedding cake placed on one side should showcase elements of Mardi Gras theme, adorned with feathers, beads, and miniature masks. The bride, a Hispanic woman, and the groom, a Caucasian man, both should be wearing festive attire: the bride in a well-crafted gown with hints of Mardi Gras colors and the groom in a black tuxedo with a colorful cummerbund reflecting Mardi Gras theme. Let the couple hold ornate masks adding to the festive allure.

A festive Mardi Gras-themed wedding with beads and masks.

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