Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick she runs to the backyard her grandma holds and cradles her Glen gets her an ice pack until their mommy and daddy come to pick them up Chucky holds her daddy’s baby demanding an apology her cousins apologize for hurting her

Once upon a time, in a small little house on the outskirts of town, lived the infamous doll couple, Chucky and Tiffany, alongside their mischievous twin children, Glen and Glenda. The days were never dull in their household, and today was no exception. They were all invited to a family gathering at their grandma's, where their cousins gathered to celebrate a special occasion. As they arrived, the excitement escalated amongst the little ones. Glen and Glenda were ready to reunite with their cousins and embark on yet another adventure together. Laughter filled the air as they exchanged stories and played games, with toys scattered across the room. However, amidst the joyous chaos, an unfortunate incident occurred. Glenda's most prized possession, her beloved doll, was accidentally broken during an intense playtime clash between the cousins. Distraught and angered, Glenda could no longer contain her fury at the sight of her shattered doll. A primal scream echoed throughout the room, and Glenda launched herself at her cousins, her tiny fists flailing in all directions. The adults quickly intervened, separating the children before any harm could come to them. But Glenda's emotions got the best of her, as she tumbled to the ground, hitting her fragile frame on the floor. A sharp pain shot through her chest as her asthma began to flare up. Panic washed over her, and she struggled to breathe, feeling sick and disoriented. Pushing through the haze, Glenda knew she needed to find solace and peace to calm her raging emotions and regain control of her asthma attack. Tears streamed down her face as she dashed towards the backyard, seeking comfort and the open air. Her grandma, a loving and compassionate soul, noticed the distressed little girl and immediately rushed to her side. She scooped Glenda up into her arms, cradling her gently, offering the reassurance that only a grandmother's embrace could provide. Meanwhile, Glen, the protective older brother, came running with an ice pack, hoping to alleviate Glenda's pain. He placed it gently against her forehead, whispering soothing words of comfort as they awaited their parents' arrival. Chucky and Tiffany, having been alerted to the situation, arrived with haste, their parental instincts in full force. Concern etched their flawless doll features as they assessed the scene before them. Chucky swiftly scooped up Glenda, cradling her in his strong arms, while Tiffany hugged Glen tightly, her love and comfort radiating from her porcelain frame. With their parents by their side, Glen voiced his frustration, demanding an apology from Glenda's cousins. The young ones, realizing the error of their ways, looked sheepishly at Glenda, their remorse evident in their eyes. They approached her cautiously, whispering sincere apologies for their thoughtless actions. A wave of relief washed over Glenda as her cousins took responsibility for their actions. She understood that accidents happened, but the apology signified a willingness to right the wrong and move forward. The tension in her tiny body began to dissipate as she accepted their apologies, her anger subsiding. As they regrouped, the sound of laughter gradually replaced the previous turmoil. Glenda's cousins, now more attentive and caring, joined her in the backyard, coming up with a plan to mend her broken doll. The adults watched on, grateful for the resilience and forgiveness shown by the young ones, realizing that even amidst chaos, family bonds could always be mended. And so, with love, understanding, and the promise of a new beginning, Glenda, Glen, and their cousins continued on their adventure, cherishing the lessons learned, and understanding that sometimes, even in the darkest moments, love had the power to heal all wounds.