Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick her grandma holds and cradles her until her mommy and daddy come to pick them up her cousins apologize for hurting her

Once upon a time at a grand family gathering, Chucky and Tiffany were joined by their mischievous twin children, Glen and Glenda. It was an eventful day, filled with laughter, love, and the excitement of seeing long-lost family members. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the festivities as everyone gathered in the backyard, eager to catch up and reminisce. Little Glenda, with her bright red hair resembling her mother's fiery locks, found herself engrossed in a delightful conversation with her cousins. The air was filled with the eager chatter of children, tales of their adventures and dreams. Amongst the joyous commotion, Glenda held her treasured doll, a gift from her parents, close to her heart. As the day progressed, the energy of the children escalated, and playful banter turned into a boisterous squabble. Glenda's cousins, who were typically well-behaved, found themselves caught up in the moment, accidentally knocking Glenda’s doll to the ground. The porcelain figure shattered into pieces, causing tears to well up in Glenda's tiny eyes. An overwhelming wave of anger consumed Glenda as she looked at her broken doll, her treasured companion. With a scream of fury, she launched herself at her cousins, her tiny fists flailing and her legs kicking. Her anger was fueled by her immense adoration for her doll and the pain of seeing it destroyed. However, her blind rage soon took its toll. Amidst the chaos, Glenda stumbled and fell to the ground with a sharp cry. The impact caused her fragile body to ache, leaving her gasping for breath. The intensity of her emotions triggered an asthma attack, making her feel sick and disoriented. The commotion ceased as Glenda's distressed cries rang through the air. Her grandma, who had been watching from a distance, quickly rushed to her side. Tenderly, she knelt down and cradled Glenda in her arms, her soothing touch providing a moment of solace amidst the chaos. As the minutes ticked by, the gathering fell into a somber hush. The silence was only broken by the sound of Glenda's strained breaths and the worried murmurs of her family. Each second felt like an eternity, and the hearts of Chucky and Tiffany ached with concern as they hurriedly made their way to their daughter. With anxious eyes and frantic movements, Glenda's parents reached her side. Chucky's face contorted with guilt, knowing it was the broken doll that had caused his beloved daughter such distress. Tiffany's eyes filled with tears, her heart aching for the pain her little girl was enduring. Her cousins, realizing the gravity of their action, approached Glenda with remorseful expressions. Ashamed of their thoughtlessness, they profusely apologized, seeking her forgiveness. Slowly, Glenda's breathing steadied, and a familiar warmth enveloped her as her grandma continued to hold her. The mixture of comfort and love provided the strength she needed. With a weak voice, Glenda forgave her cousins, recognizing that their apology was genuine and that they, too, were hurting with regret. As the sun began its descent, casting an orange glow over the gathering, Glenda slowly recovered from her asthma attack. Supported by her parents and her grandma's unwavering embrace, she found solace in their presence. In the end, the family gathering didn't conclude as planned, but it became a reminder of the importance of cherished memories and the unconditional support of loved ones. Though Glenda's doll was forever broken, it became a symbol of forgiveness, compassion, and the resilience of a young girl who learned that even in moments of despair, love could always find a way to heal.