Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick her grandma holds and cradles her Glen gets her an ice pack until their mommy and daddy come to pick them up her cousins apologize for hurting her

It was a sunny day in the small town where Chucky and Tiffany resided with their twin children, Glen and Glenda. The family had gathered at their grandparent's house for a delightful family gathering. All seemed well, as relatives caught up with each other, sharing laughter and stories. However, little did they know that the peace would soon be disrupted by a family feud. As the adults engaged in conversations, Glen and Glenda joined their cousins, Riley and Lily, who were around the same age. They usually got along famously, enjoying each other's company and playing together without any issues. But this time, something seemed off. The children had gathered under the shade of a large oak tree in the backyard, where a tea party was set up for their dolls. Glen had brought along his prized action figures - a miniature version of his father, Chucky, and a sassy replica of his mother, Tiffany. Glenda, on the other hand, brought her cherished doll, Miss Prissy. Everything went well until Riley and Lily, caught up in their own mischievousness, accidentally broke Miss Prissy. Glenda's eyes welled up with tears as she clutched her broken doll. Anger surged through her tiny frame, and without thinking twice, she pounced on her cousins. The scene quickly turned chaotic as Glenda threw punches and kicks, determined to teach Riley and Lily a lesson for what they had done. Filled with adrenaline, she managed to overpower them momentarily, fueled by the intense disgust she felt towards her cousins. However, in the midst of her attack, Glenda's rage blinded her from noticing that her asthma had been triggered. As she continued to fight, the air became heavy, and she struggled to breathe. Suddenly, a sharp pain gripped her chest, causing her to fall to the ground in agony. The commotion caught the attention of everyone around, and a wave of panic ensued. Glenda's grandmother, a nurturing woman with a heart full of love, rushed to her side. She cradled the distressed little girl, comforting her as tears streamed down her face. Meanwhile, Glen, who had witnessed the entire altercation from a distance, quickly fetched an ice pack and placed it on Glenda's forehead. He knew it would help soothe her and take her mind off the pain even if only slightly. Minutes felt like hours until Chucky and Tiffany finally arrived at the family gathering. The worried parents quickly assessed the situation and rushed over to their children. They took turns holding Glenda, trying to calm her down and reassure her that everything would be all right. As the chaos subsided, Riley and Lily, with remorse in their eyes, approached Glenda, their heads hung low. In a soft, remorseful voice, they apologized for their actions, admitting their mistake and promising to never harm her again. Glenda, though still hurting and experiencing a sense of betrayal, accepted their apologies, understanding that mistakes can happen, especially within family. It was a learning experience for everyone involved, reminding them of the importance of forgiveness and compassion. The family gathering continued, but this time with an atmosphere of gratitude, love, and mended bonds. Glen and Glenda's cousins played more carefully, mindful of Glenda's delicate condition. And as the day drew to a close, the family bid farewell, leaving with a renewed sense of unity and the reassurance that in times of turmoil, love always prevailed. Word count: 516