Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda Glenda gets in a fight with her bully sent to the principals office her parents mad at her when they get there she has a breakdown she hurts herself cutting her wrist with her scissors shutting herself in her room she falls asleep hours later still not coming out of her room her brother Glen opens the door he shakes her awake he hugs her her parents bust into the room horrified by their daughters condition they apologize profusely for being mad at her

Title: A Tale of Forgiveness and Healing Glen and Glenda, the twin children of Chucky and Tiffany, lived a rather unconventional life. Despite coming from a cursed lineage of possessed dolls, their parents did their best to provide a loving and nurturing environment for them. However, being children of two infamous killers came with its own set of challenges, especially when it came to fitting in with their human peers. Glenda, always the more outspoken and rebellious of the twins, had been dealing with a relentless bully named Jason at school. Desperate for a way to escape his torment, she devised a plan to retaliate against him. One fateful afternoon, things finally came to a head. Glenda could no longer bear the taunting and decided to stand up for herself. In her rage, Glenda let her anger take control, resulting in a physical altercation with Jason. Matters escalated quickly, and soon both students were sent to the principal's office. As Glen accompanied his sister, concern etched his face, recognizing that this wasn't the right path for Glenda to follow. Furious and disappointed, Chucky and Tiffany stormed to the school to meet their troubled children. They were already on edge due to the fear of losing control over their doll bodies once again. As they entered the principal's office, the sight that met their eyes left them stunned and horrified. Glenda's usually confident demeanor crumbled, replaced by a fragile and broken state. Cuts adorned her wrists, evidence of her self-inflicted pain. Tiffany rushed towards her daughter, tears streaming down her face, as Chucky stumbled backward, unable to believe the sight before him. Filled with a profound sense of guilt and remorse, Chucky and Tiffany enveloped Glenda in their arms, whispering apologies and words of deep regret. They were overwhelmed with the realization of how their anger and disappointment had fueled Glenda's desperate actions. Hours passed, and Glenda remained locked inside her bedroom, her sobs echoing through the house. Worried sick, her brother, Glen, felt compelled to try and comfort her. Slowly, he turned the doorknob until Glenda's room revealed itself. Glen's heart ached at the sight of his sister, tear-stained and lost within herself. Shaking her gently, Glen called out her name, desperate to rouse her from her slumber. Glenda stirred, her eyes heavy from crying. As she looked up, her brother enveloped her in a warm embrace, holding her tightly as if trying to mend her broken spirit. Moments later, Chucky and Tiffany burst into the room, their features etched with a mixture of shock, guilt, and profound concern. Witnessing their daughter's lifeless eyes and the scars on her wrists, they fell to their knees alongside Glen, his grip never faltering. Tears streamed down their faces as they begged for forgiveness, promising to never let their anger cloud their love again. Glen, Glenda, Chucky, and Tiffany formed an unbreakable bond that day—a bond that was built upon love, forgiveness, and understanding. Together, they began the long and challenging journey towards Glenda's recovery. It wasn't easy, but with unwavering support from her family, therapy, and time, Glenda learned to heal and forgive herself. This traumatic event served as a turning point in their lives. Chucky and Tiffany vowed to protect their children fiercely and to help them navigate the challenges of their unique existence. As a family, they began advocating for a more inclusive and accepting world, where differences were celebrated rather than shunned. In the end, Glenda's story became a testament to the power of love and acceptance. Through their shared pain, the family discovered the strength within themselves to rise above adversity, determined to ensure that Glenda and Glen would never be defined by the fearsome reputation of their parents.