Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Chucky meets a famous guy he agrees to babysit his daughter thinking her Glen and Glenda will be friends she torments Glen and Glenda Glenda tries to tell the truth about but Chucky doesn’t believe her scolds her snd sends her to her room when she blames Glenda for breaking a vase she broke Glenda tries to attack her but is sent to her room he sees for himself and apologizes to Glenda

Chucky and Tiffany had always dreamed of having a family, and their dream finally came true when they had twins, Glen and Glenda. The twins were like night and day - Glen was shy and innocent, while Glenda was mischievous and free-spirited. They loved their children unconditionally and couldn't wait to see them grow up. One sunny day, as Chucky was strolling through the park, he noticed a familiar face approaching. It was none other than his old pal, Andy Barclay, who had recently become a famous movie star. They embraced like long-lost friends and caught up on all the years they had missed. Andy mentioned that he was in town for a movie premiere and needed a favor. "I need someone I can trust to look after my daughter, Lily, while I attend the premiere tonight," Andy said. "She's a handful, but I know you and Tiffany are great parents. Can you help me out?" Without hesitation, Chucky agreed. He thought this would be the perfect opportunity for Glen and Glenda to make some new friends. Little did he know that Lily had an entirely different plan in mind. That evening, while Chucky was busy preparing dinner for everyone, Lily began tormenting Glen and Glenda. She would call them names, hide their toys, and make fun of their differences. Glen tried to tell Chucky what was happening, but Chucky dismissed it, thinking it was just sibling rivalry. Glenda, on the other hand, knew the truth and desperately tried to convince her father that Lily was the real troublemaker. "Dad, you have to believe me! Lily is the one causing all the trouble!" she pleaded. But Chucky scolded Glenda, thinking she was trying to shift the blame. "That's enough! I won't tolerate this kind of behavior, Glenda. Go to your room!" he exclaimed, pointing toward the stairs. Feeling hurt and misunderstood, Glenda stomped up to her room, tears streaming down her porcelain cheeks. She couldn't understand why her father didn't believe her when she was only trying to protect her twin brother. As the night went on, the chaos continued. Lily cleverly framed Glenda for breaking a vase, and when Chucky rushed to the scene, he saw the shattered pieces and assumed Glenda was to blame. Fury consumed him, and he sent his daughter to her room once more. But this time, Glenda had had enough. She couldn't bear being falsely accused any longer. Determined to prove her innocence, she picked up a small wooden baseball bat from her room and marched downstairs. Before Chucky could react, Glenda swung the bat at Lily, determined to make her confess. Chucky, shocked by Glenda's outburst, quickly intervened, disarming her and sending her back to her room. As Glenda sat on her bed, feeling defeated and misunderstood, Chucky finally started to piece things together. He realized his mistake and rushed to Glenda's side, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Glenda. I should have believed you from the start," Chucky admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "You were only trying to protect your brother. Can you ever forgive me?" Glenda's tears turned into a grateful smile. "Of course, Dad. I love you," she whispered, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. From that day on, Chucky made a promise to always trust his children's words and never jump to conclusions. He thanked Glenda for her bravery and vowed to protect both of his children with all his might. And so, with love and understanding, the family moved forward, stronger than ever. Chucky and Tiffany knew that their children, Glen and Glenda, were special in their own ways, and they would always believe, support, and protect them, no matter what challenges they faced.