Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda Glenda gets drunk at the dinner table at the bar restaurant with family and friends she says crazy and disrespectful things angering her parents she faints mad but worried Chucky puts her to bed

Chucky and Tiffany, the notorious serial killer couple turned possessed doll parents, had finally settled into a semblance of a normal life with their twin children, Glen and Glenda. It was unlike anything they had experienced before, but they were determined to provide a loving and stable environment for their kids. One sunny afternoon, Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda decided to have a family dinner at a local bar and restaurant. It was a rare occasion for them to enjoy some time out in the world, surrounded by humans who had no idea that they were anything other than an ordinary family. The atmosphere was lively and cheerful as they settled into a comfortable booth. Chucky ordered a round of drinks for the adults while Tiffany tried to keep Glen and Glenda entertained. Glen was quiet and reserved, taking after his father, but Glenda was more vivacious, inheriting her mother's fiery personality. As they began to enjoy their meal, Glenda's mischievous side started to show. She giggled at inappropriate jokes and engaged in cheeky banter with the wait staff. Her parents exchanged glances, recognizing the signs of trouble brewing. As the night went on, Glenda continued to push the boundaries of acceptability. She drank more than her fair share, and with each glass, her filter disappeared completely. She began spewing out lewd and disrespectful comments, embarrassing her parents and shocking the rest of the patrons. Chucky's face turned beet red with anger, while Tiffany was torn between annoyance and concern for her daughter's behavior. "Glenda!" Tiffany finally shouted, her voice slicing through the raucous noise of the bar. "That's enough! What has gotten into you?" Glenda's defiance faded, replaced by the realization of her actions. She looked at her parents with drunk, teary eyes, the weight of her disgrace sinking in. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I just wanted to have fun," she stammered, her voice small and remorseful. Mad but worried, Chucky scooped Glenda up into his doll arms. Without a word, he carried her out of the bar and back home. The ride was quiet, tension hanging heavy in the air. Even though Chucky was furious with Glenda, his love for his daughter was unwavering, overriding his anger. Carefully, Chucky laid Glenda down on her small, stuffed bed. Tiffany joined them, caressing Glenda's cheek with a doll-sized hand. "We love you, Glenda. But you have to understand that your actions have consequences," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. Glenda's face crumpled, the weight of her actions crushing her. "I know, Mom. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or embarrass you." Chucky sighed, his anger morphing into concern. "We know you didn't mean to, Glenda, but you have to learn to be responsible. Drinking excessively is dangerous, and speaking disrespectfully hurts others. We want better for you." Glenda nodded, tears streaming down her porcelain face. "I promise, Dad. I'll be better. I just... I got caught up in the moment." Chucky and Tiffany exchanged a knowing look, understanding the challenges of raising a teenager, even a possessed one. They both hugged Glenda tight, reaffirming their love for her despite her mistakes. The following day, Glenda woke up with a splitting headache and a heavy heart. She made a silent pledge to herself, vowing to learn from her mistakes and earn back her parents' trust. Family dinners would undoubtedly be filled with lively and chaotic moments, but Glenda would remember her parents' lessons. She would grow, mature, and become the doll they knew she could be, leaving her wild antics at the bar that night a distant memory.