Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda’s friend warns them at his Halloween party about a ghost named Abagail the candy goes missing and so do some of the guests Glenda goes missing after screaming Abagail Chucky and Tiffany find her unharmed they watch the camera footage seeing Abagail take the candy Chucky and Tiffany protect their children and carry them home

It was a chilly Halloween evening in the town of Hackensack, and Glen and Glenda, the twin children of Chucky and Tiffany, were excitedly getting ready to attend their friend Billy's Halloween party. Dressed as a pint-sized Dracula and a wicked witch, respectively, they were eagerly anticipating a night of fun and candy-filled mischief. As they made their way through the dimly lit streets, they were joined by another friend, Emily. Emily was known for her sixth sense and her knowledge of all things supernatural. She had a certain air of mystery about her and always seemed to be in touch with the otherworldly. Glen and Glenda were always fascinated by her stories and couldn't wait to catch up with her at the party. Once they arrived at Billy's house, the sound of laughter and spooky music filled the air. The children eagerly joined the crowd, delving into a sea of costumes and sweet treats. Billy had gone all out with his Halloween decorations, creating an eerily mesmerizing atmosphere. Cobwebs hung from every corner, and pumpkins flickered with a haunting glow. As the night wore on, Emily pulled Glen and Glenda aside, a serious expression on her face. "Listen, guys," she whispered, casting a quick glance over her shoulder. "I've been sensing something strange tonight. There's a ghost lurking around called Abagail." Glen and Glenda exchanged worried glances. They trusted Emily's sixth sense, and if she was sensing something off, they knew it must be real. "What does Abagail want?" Glenda asked, trembling slightly. "I'm not sure," Emily replied. "But I've been hearing whispers of her stealing things, like candy and other Halloween treats. Be careful, guys. Stick together and watch your surroundings." Taking Emily's warning to heart, Glen, Glenda, and Emily stuck close to each other for the remainder of the party. However, their caution could not prevent the inevitable. As the night wore on and the partygoers began enjoying their candy, a gasp rang out across the room. The candy bowls were empty, and guests started disappearing one by one. Fear washed over the room, and everyone was gripped with panic. But the terror grew even more intense when Glenda let out a blood-curdling scream. "Abagail!" Chucky and Tiffany swiftly rushed to their children's side, their fierce parental instinct kicking in. Together, they made their way through the chaos and reached the surveillance room. There, they watched the footage, their hearts pounding with dread. On the screen, a ghostly figure emerged, materializing with an air of malevolence. It was Abagail, stealthily snatching away the candy, as well as unsuspecting guests, into the unknown. Chucky clenched his fists, his determination to protect his family growing stronger. With Chucky leading the way, the family braved the treacherous Halloween night, searching for Glenda. Their footsteps echoed in the eerie silence of the deserted streets. Finally, they found her, unharmed but visibly shaken. Glen, Glenda, and their parents clung to each other, realizing the importance of family unity and protection. They knew the dangers that lurked in the shadows, but together they were invincible. As the night came to a close, they returned home, all their lingering fears and anxieties put to rest. Snuggled safely in their beds, they warded off the nightmares of Abagail, knowing that with love and unity, they had conquered the darkness that threatened their Halloween. And so, as the sun dawned and the night of Halloween faded into a memory, Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda stood tall. Unseen by the world, they were a family forever bonded, their love and protectiveness unwavering, ready to face any Halloween horror together.