Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Chucky meets a famous guy he agrees to babysit his daughter thinking her Glen and Glenda will be friends she torments Glen and Glenda Glenda tries to tell the truth about but Chucky doesn’t believe her scolds her snd sends her to her room when she blames Glenda for breaking a vase she broke Glenda tries to attack her but is sent to her room he sees for himself and apologizes to Glenda

Chucky and Tiffany's Children: Glen and Glenda Chucky peered out the window, excitement filling his button eyes as he saw a familiar figure strolling down the street. It was none other than famous actor, Mr. Mason Parker, renowned for his comedic talents. Chucky had always been a huge fan, and he couldn't believe that such a celebrity was in their neighborhood. Unable to contain his excitement, Chucky rushed outside and approached Mr. Parker with a nervous smile. "Mr. Parker, I'm a big fan!" he exclaimed, extending his tiny hand. Mr. Parker chuckled, shaking Chucky's hand gently. "Well, hello there, little buddy. What's your name?" "I'm Chucky!" he replied, his stitches giving him an unsettling grin. "Listen, I know this might sound a bit strange, but I was wondering if you'd let me babysit your daughter. I have two adorable kids, Glen and Glenda, and I think they'd love to have a new friend." Mr. Parker raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical. But after witnessing Chucky's genuine enthusiasm, he agreed to give it a shot. Little did he know, this decision would lead to chaos and torment for Chucky's children. Glen and Glenda welcomed Mr. Parker's daughter, Lily, into their home with open arms. They were thrilled to have a new playmate, and they hoped they could share their toys and make her feel at home. However, as the days went on, it became apparent that Lily wasn't interested in making friends. Instead, she took pleasure in tormenting Glen and Glenda, making their lives miserable. Glenda refused to stay silent, determined to expose Lily's true nature to Chucky. She tried to tell the truth, explaining how Lily had broken a valuable vase. But, much to her dismay, Chucky didn't believe her. Frustrated, Chucky scolded Glenda, sending her to her room for spreading lies about their guest. Glenda's tear-filled eyes burned with anger as she blamed Lily once more, but Chucky simply dismissed her accusations. Unable to contain her fury any longer, Glenda lunged at Lily, desperate to defend herself. Unfortunately, Chucky caught her in the act and swiftly sent her to her room, fueling Glenda's anger further. Meanwhile, Lily continued to torment Glen, mocking him relentlessly and breaking some of his favorite toys. Glen hid his pain with a fake smile, hoping that one day Chucky would understand the truth. Finally, one evening, Chucky became suspicious when he heard a loud crash coming from the playroom. Rushing to investigate, he saw Lily standing amidst the broken toys, her mischievous smirk plastered across her face. His anger transformed into shock as he realized the extent of Lily's torment. Chucky felt a pang of guilt for not believing Glenda, blindly trusting their presumptuous guest. With his heart heavy, Chucky apologized to Glenda, tears welling up in his eyes. He admitted his mistake and promised to make things right. From that moment on, Chucky stood as a united force with his children. They confronted Lily, demanding an apology and an end to her torment. Through their combined strength, they were finally able to reclaim their home from Lily's reign of terror. From that day forward, Chucky and his children learned the importance of trust, standing up for each other, and not letting others take advantage of their kindness. They were a family, and nothing and no one would tear them apart again. And so, Glen and Glenda grew to understand the value of their father's love and support. They would forever cherish the strength they had gained from their struggles. Together, they would continue to face any challenge that came their way, side by side, holding on to the unbreakable bond of their family.