Write me a nice letter to Eddie Edwards telling him he’s my inspiration because of him I overcame covid and because of him I became a fan of his in the year 2015 and I tested positive for covid in 2021

Dear Eddie Edwards, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deep admiration and gratitude towards you. You may not know me personally, but your incredible journey has had a significant impact on my life. I first discovered your talent and passion for professional wrestling in the year 2015. At that time, I was going through a difficult phase in my life. I had lost my job and was struggling with my mental health. Something about your unwavering determination and resilience spoke to me on a profound level. Watching you in the ring was like witnessing a masterful display of strength and perseverance. The way you pushed through every obstacle and never gave up inspired me to do the same in my own life. Your passion for the sport and unrelenting spirit became a guiding light for me during those dark times. Little did I know that six years later, our paths would intersect again, albeit in a completely unexpected way. In early 2021, the world was brought to its knees by the global pandemic, and I found myself among those struck by the invisible enemy: COVID-19. As I lay in my hospital bed struggling to breathe, I thought back to the countless matches I had watched you compete in. I remembered how you faced numerous challenges head-on and emerged victorious. In that moment, you became more than just a wrestling icon to me. You became a symbol of hope and resilience. During the long and arduous battle against the virus, I drew strength from your unwavering resolve. Your determination and never-say-die attitude echoed in my mind, pushing me to fight harder each day. Your words of encouragement, though unheard by you, echoed in my heart, giving me the strength to overcome the physical and emotional toll inflicted by COVID-19. While recovering, I delved deeper into your career, watching every match, every interview, and every documentary I could find. I discovered the passion and dedication you had not only for wrestling but also for inspiring others. Through your philanthropy and acts of kindness, you embodied the qualities I aspired to possess. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I write this letter today, to express my sincere thanks for being my inspiration. Your indomitable spirit helped me conquer a battle against a deadly virus and find the strength to move forward. Your unwavering dedication to your craft has taught me the importance of pursuing one's passions with unwavering enthusiasm. I cannot begin to imagine the countless lives you have touched with your career, but I wanted to let you know that you have made a lasting impact on me. Your resilience, determination, and compassion have forever changed my perspective on life. As I conclude this letter, I want to remind you of the immense power you possess, not only in the wrestling ring but in the lives of those you inspire. Your journey is a testament to the human spirit's ability to triumph over adversity, and I am grateful to have been a witness to it. Thank you, Eddie Edwards, for being a beacon of hope in my life. Your passion, dedication, and perseverance have inspired me to never give up, no matter the odds. You are more than a wrestler; you are a true inspiration. With deep admiration and gratitude, (Name)