Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda royalty glenda doesn’t act like a princess her mother Tiffany tries to make her like her Glenda joins a archery contest Tiffany scolds her when they are alone Glenda snaps telling her she’s not going to be like her mother she tears hers mothers quilt angry Tiffany throws her bow and arrow in a fire Glenda runs away crying and accidentally places her mother under a curse turning her into a bear a another bear tries to attack Glenda her mother protects her daughter Chucky tries to get rid of the bear not knowing it’s Tiffany Glenda defends her they finally break the curse by working together Tiffany realizing her mistake lets her daughter follow her dreams they hug it out as a family

Once upon a time, in a small, quiet town, the notorious killer doll Chucky and his doll bride, Tiffany, resided. They were inseparable and no one could dare challenge their loyalty to each other. Their love had given life to twin children, Glen and Glenda, who were as unique as their parents. However, Glenda was nothing like her mother, Tiffany, had hoped. She didn't show any interest in the things that were deemed princess-like. While Glen embraced the idea of royalty and enjoyed playing with stuffed animals, Glenda preferred the outdoors, spending her days exploring the woods and practicing her archery skills. Tiffany desperately tried to make her daughter more like her, introducing her to extravagant gowns and drawing lessons. But Glenda had no interest in these activities, often sneaking out to participate in archery contests held in the neighboring village. It was during one of these contests that Glenda's true colors came to light. Upon returning from the contest, Glenda found herself alone with Tiffany. But instead of showering her daughter with praise for participating, Tiffany scolded her for not conforming to her expectations. Overwhelmed with anger and frustration, Glenda lashed out, tearing her mother's cherished quilt into pieces. Enraged, Tiffany grabbed Glenda's bow and arrow, tossing them into the fireplace. Distraught, Glenda ran away, tears streaming down her face. Unbeknownst to her, her actions had set off a chain of events that would change their lives forever. Heartbroken and lost, Glenda stumbled upon a hidden grove deep within the forest. Overwhelmed with grief, she cried out, unleashing her fury into the universe. Her cries reached the heavens, and unwittingly, a curse fell upon Tiffany, transforming her into a bear. As Tiffany clumsily adjusted to her new bear form, Glenda suddenly found herself facing another bear that emerged from the shadows, its eyes glinting with malevolence. Frightened, Glenda stood her ground, and to her surprise, her mother charged in front of her, protecting her from harm. Chucky, desperate to rid his family of the stranger bear, unaware that it was his beloved Tiffany, urged Glenda to fight back. Drawing on the courage she had developed over the years, Glenda defended her mother, refusing to let anything happen to her. Days turned into weeks as they fought off the relentless attacks from the strange bear. Glenda and Tiffany realized that the only way to break the curse was to work together. With newfound determination, they devised a plan to reunite the torn quilt, the very symbol of their bond. As the curse began to weaken, Tiffany finally acknowledged her mistake. She realized that she had pushed her own desires onto Glenda, instead of embracing her daughter's true nature. As they held each other tightly, the curse shattered, and Tiffany reverted back to her human form. Tiffany, tearfully embracing Glenda, promised to support her in following her dreams. From that day forward, they vowed to accept each other just as they were. Their family may have been unconventional, but their love for one another superseded any societal expectations. And so, the family of killer dolls, with their newfound understanding and acceptance, continued to navigate the world, laughing, fighting, and hugging it out, forever united in their unique bond.