Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Chucky meets a famous guy he agrees to babysit his daughter thinking her Glen and Glenda will be friends she torments Glen and Glenda Glenda tries to tell the truth about but Chucky doesn’t believe her scolds her snd sends her to her room when she blames Glenda for breaking a vase she broke by throwing a baseball Glenda tries to attack her but is sent to her room he sees for himself and apologizes to Glenda

It was a typical sunny afternoon at the infamous Play Pals Doll Factory when Chucky and Tiffany's children, Glen and Glenda, were eagerly playing in their cozy little playroom. The room was filled with all sorts of toys and games, as their loving parents always ensured they were well entertained. Little did they know that their peaceful playtime was about to be interrupted by a knock at the door. Chucky answered it to find a well-dressed man standing outside with a pleading look on his face. "Please, Chucky," the man beseeched, "I'm in desperate need of a babysitter. My daughter is driving me up the wall, and I've heard you're the best in the business when it comes to wrangling little ones." Chucky smirked, flattered by the request. "Well, I suppose I could lend a hand. What's the worst that could happen, right?" The man's relief was palpable as he handed Chucky a picture of his daughter, Izzie. She appeared to be a sweet little girl with pigtails and a bright smile—certainly an innocent picture. Chucky agreed to take on the job, his mind already forming images of Glen and Glenda becoming fast friends with Izzie. Surely with them playing together, there would be no room for mischief. Little did Chucky know, appearances can be deceiving. As soon as Izzie arrived, she immediately set her sight on tormenting Glen and Glenda. She would snatch their toys away, hide their beloved games, and even take more than her fair share of snacks. Glen, being gentle-natured, tried to ignore Izzie's mean-spirited actions, hoping that his kindness would eventually sway her. Glenda, on the other hand, grew furious at Izzie's bullying antics. She saw through Izzie's innocent facade and knew her true intentions. Time and time again, Glenda tried to tell Chucky the truth, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. "Fibbing again, Glenda?" Chucky scolded, his voice filled with disbelief. "You should know better than to make up stories." Feeling defeated, Glenda was sent to her room, her protests going unheard. But her determination to stop Izzie's wickedness only grew stronger. One day, while Izzie and Glen were playing catch in the living room, Glenda silently observed from the doorway. Izzie playfully threw a baseball toward Glen, but he missed, causing the ball to crash into a priceless vase. Before anyone could react, Glenda lunged at Izzie, fury blazing in her eyes. "You did that on purpose!" she accused, her voice filled with anger. Chucky, hearing the commotion, rushed into the room and instinctively sent Glenda back to her room. However, as he turned to examine the broken vase, his eyes widened in shock and realization. It was clear that Izzie had thrown the ball deliberately. Rushing to Glenda's room, Chucky's voice filled with regret and apology. "Glenda, I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you. You were telling the truth all along." With tears streaming down her face, Glenda forgave her father, relieved that justice had finally been served. From that day forward, Chucky made it his mission to protect his children from those who wished to do them harm. As for Izzie, well, let's just say she learned a valuable lesson about kindness and the consequences that come from being unkind to others. And so, Glen and Glenda lived happily ever after, nurtured by their loving parents and protected from the perils of the outside world. Family, after all, is the most important thing in life, even for dolls with a rather unique family dynamic.