Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them in their bedroom she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick she runs to the backyard her grandma holds and cradles her Glen gets her an ice pack until their mommy and daddy come to pick them up Chucky holds her daddy’s baby demanding an apology her cousins apologize for hurting her Chucky puts her down for a nap

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house nestled deep within the suburbs, Chucky and Tiffany were proud parents to twin children, Glen and Glenda. It was a sunny summer day, and the family had gathered for a fun-filled celebration. As laughter and chatter filled the air, little Glenda found herself engaged in a playful game with her cousins. They were all having a splendid time until, accidentally, one of them broke Glenda's beloved doll. She gasped in horror, feeling a wave of anger surge through her. Unable to contain her frustration, Glenda's blue eyes narrowed, and she jumped on her cousins, attacking them with everything she had. The commotion caught the attention of the adults, and they quickly rushed to the scene. Chucky and Tiffany, alarmed by the chaos, managed to pull Glenda away from her cousins. However, in the midst of the scuffle, Glenda had fallen to the ground, causing her little body to scream out in pain. As the pain intensified, Glenda's lungs tightened, and she choked on her breath, realizing she was having an asthma attack. Feeling utterly sick and overwhelmed, Glenda knew she had to escape the suffocating environment. She darted towards the back yard, her tiny legs carrying her as fast as they could. Tears streamed down her face, and she screamed in agony as she reached the secluded spot. In a matter of moments, Glenda's grandmother, with her gentle touch, held and cradled the distressed little girl. She whispered words of comfort and love, assuring Glenda that everything would be alright. Glen, always the caring brother, rushed to the kitchen and fetched an ice pack to soothe Glenda's throbbing head. His small hands trembled as he handed the chilled pack to his sister, doing his best to distract her from the pain. Soon enough, Chucky and Tiffany arrived, their faces etched with concern. Rushing to their children's side, they wrapped an arm around each, providing the warm embrace they desperately needed. Glenda clung onto her father, her voice shaking as she demanded an apology from her cousins for causing her harm. The cousins, realizing the extent of their actions, immediately expressed remorse. Their young voices quivered with guilt and regret, assuring Glenda they never meant to hurt her. Chucky, being the protector that he was, nodded, his fiery eyes demanding sincerity from the remorseful cousins. With a sigh, he accepted their apology, his heart softened by the presence of remorse. Recognizing that Glenda needed a moment to recover, Chucky gently placed her down for a nap, the comfort of her favorite stuffed animals embracing her. He brushed her dark hair away from her face, his beady eyes filled with tenderness as she drifted into slumber. As the house returned to its joyous atmosphere, Chucky and Tiffany exchanged glances, relieved that their little warrior was safe once again. They knew that no matter the fighting or mishaps, their family would always find a way to come together, to love and protect each other. And so, the day continued on, with the sound of laughter and love filling the air, their little Glenda finding solace in the arms of her family who cherished her every moment of the way.