Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Glenda gets a suck toad on her eye at school screaming and crying she has to wear mud dark clothes eat kale soup,don’t look at bright things, and take mud baths keep the toad safe Glens take cares of enforcing shes following the rules keep the toad safe she’s annoyed and doesn’t follow her brothers rules at school he blasts mud on her face when she’s eating candy and watering flowers monitoring her until it’s removed by the doctor and home she sings stuck on you by Alvin and the chipmunks she tries to run from him their parents worried by their daughters defiant behavior

It was a sunny morning in the little town of Hacksville Elementary School, where the infamous children of Chucky and Tiffany - Glen and Glenda - were attending classes together. Glen, being the responsible and cautious one, always kept a watchful eye on his mischievous sister, Glenda. Glenda had acquired a peculiar misfortune on this particular day, and it was the cause of her distress. During recess, Glenda had come across a mysterious creature known as a suck toad. Not being one to shy away from a new experience, she decided to pick it up, unaware of the consequences it would bring. As she held the toad close to her face, her eye was suddenly sucked into the creature's mouth, causing her physical pain and immense panic. Screaming and crying, Glenda hurriedly ran towards the school's nurse, much to the amusement of her classmates. The nurse examined her eye and immediately realized the severity of the situation. She informed Glenda and her brother that she must take precautions to protect her eye while it healed. From that day forward, Glenda had to wear dark glasses to shield her injured eye from bright lights. She had to dress in mud-colored clothes and eat only kale soup, as instructed by the nurse. Additionally, the nurse recommended that Glenda take regular mud baths to create a soothing effect on her eye. Being just a teenager, Glenda found these restrictions to be unbearable. She detested her mud-colored wardrobe and the taste of kale soup made her gag. But worst of all, her brother, Glen, had appointed himself as the enforcer of her rules. He constantly reminded her to follow the instructions handed out by the nurse and kept a close eye on her. Glenda was annoyed by Glen's constant meddling. She felt suffocated by his watchful gaze and wished to rebel against his strictness. One afternoon, as she sat outside eating a candy bar and watering some flowers, Glen seized the opportunity to teach her a lesson. He leapt out from behind the bushes, smearing mud all over her face. Glenda's anger flared up, but she knew that her brother only had her best interests at heart. She complied with his rules once more, even though she longed for the freedom to do as she pleased. Days turned into weeks, and Glenda's toad-induced ailment finally began to heal. The doctor decided it was time for the eye protection to be removed, and Glenda could finally go back to being her true self. Overjoyed with the news, she returned home singing "Stuck on You" by Alvin and the Chipmunks, for she felt that her liberation was nearing. But little did Glenda know, that wasn't the end of her troublesome adventure. The moment she stepped foot through the front door, she bolted towards freedom, leaving her brother and parents worried by her defiant behavior. They feared that she had fallen into the clutches of another misadventure. Glen, motivated by his love and concern for his sister, chased after her. He caught up with her just as she was about to step into another world of mischief. As she turned around to face him, her breath heavy and heart racing, Glen held her steady with a determined expression on his face. "Glenda," he said firmly, "We must protect ourselves and each other. Let us remember the importance of responsibility and our parents' guidance. Being free does not mean abandoning our common sense." Touched by her brother's words, Glenda understood the significance of their connection. She realized that while she yearned for independence, there was wisdom in Glen's caution. With a newfound appreciation for their familial bond, the two siblings returned home, ready to face whatever challenges came their way together. And so, the story of Glen and Glenda continued, filled with adventures, mishaps, and the unbreakable bond they shared as siblings in a world full of chaos and magic.