Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda’s friend warns them at his Halloween party about a ghost named Abagail the candy goes missing and so do some of the guests Glenda goes missing after screaming Abagail Chucky and Tiffany find her unharmed they watch the camera footage seeing Abagail take the candy Chucky and Tiffany protect their children and carry them home

It was a dark and spooky Halloween night, and Glen and Glenda, the twin children of Chucky and Tiffany, were excitedly getting ready to attend their friend's Halloween party. Glen, dressed as a mini version of his infamous father with a bloody knife in hand, and Glenda, adorning a delicate doll-like dress with a matching tiara, were giddy with anticipation. As they arrived at the party, held in an old, eerie mansion surrounded by ominous shadows, Glenda couldn't help but feel a strange sense of unease. She turned to her brother and whispered, "Glen, something doesn't feel right about this place." Glen looked around, his oversized mask hiding his worry. "Oh, Glenda, it's just a Halloween party! What's the worst that could happen?" Little did they know; their friend's party had an unexpected guest lurking in the shadows. A boy named Ethan, a fellow attendee, approached Glen and Glenda with a grave expression. "Hey guys, listen up. I've heard rumors about a ghost haunting this mansion during Halloween. They call her Abagail. She's said to possess anyone who utters her name out loud." Glen chuckled, throwing a playful punch at Ethan's shoulder. "Come on, Ethan, you don't really believe in ghosts, do you?" But Glenda's eyes widened as she listened, her intuition brimming with fear. She knew there was something off about this haunted house, and Ethan's warning only confirmed her suspicions. "Glen, we need to be careful. Let's stay together and keep an eye out for anything strange." As the party went into full swing, treats and candies were spread across the tables, tempting all the guests. But before they could indulge in the sugary delights, a sudden commotion erupted. The candy had vanished, and so had a few of the guests. Panic spread throughout the room as people tried to make sense of the bizarre occurrence. In the midst of the chaos, Glenda shrieked, "Abagail!" Her voice echoed through the eerie mansion, capturing the attention of her parents, Chucky and Tiffany. Rushing to their daughter's side, Chucky and Tiffany comforted Glenda, ensuring she was unharmed. Concern etched across their doll-like faces, they decided to review the security camera footage, hoping for clues to explain the strange disappearances. As they watched the recordings, their chilling suspicions were confirmed. The ghostly figure of a young girl, Abagail, materialized on the screen, snatching the candy and possessing the unfortunate guests. Chucky's eyes glowed with rage as he clenched his fists. "No one messes with our family!" Determined to protect their children, Chucky and Tiffany guided Glen and Glenda back through the maze-like mansion, using their demonic instincts to navigate through the shadows. The atmosphere grew tense as they encountered eerie noises and flickering lights, but they pressed on, resolved to face Abagail head-on. Finally, they reached the exit, the cool night air providing a welcome relief. Glen and Glenda clutched their parents tightly, realizing just how lucky they were to have them as protectors. Together, they hurried back home, vowing to stay safe from any ghostly encounters. As the haunted mansion faded into the distance, Chucky and Tiffany exchanged a knowing glance. They were undoubtedly relieved to have their children safe and sound, but they also knew that Abagail had not been defeated. Their journey had only just begun, with a nefarious ghost seeking revenge lurking in the shadows. The legacy of Chucky and Tiffany continued to be tested, as they prepared to face Abagail and protect their family from the horrors of the supernatural world. Their love for Glen and Glenda burned brighter than ever before, fueled by a determination to safeguard their innocence, no matter the cost.