Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda royalty glenda doesn’t act like a princess her mother Tiffany tries to make her like her Glenda joins a archery contest Tiffany scolds her when they are alone Glenda snaps telling her she’s not going to be like her mother she tears hers mothers quilt angry Tiffany throws her bow and arrow in a fire Glenda runs away crying and accidentally places her mother under a curse turning her into a bear a another bear tries to attack Glenda her mother protects her daughter Chucky tries to get rid of the bear not knowing it’s Tiffany Glenda defends her they finally break the curse by working together Tiffany realizing her mistake lets her daughter follow her dreams they hug it out as a family

Once upon a time, in a dark and eerie mansion, Chucky and Tiffany had two mischievous and unusual children, Glen and Glenda. The twins possessed an unusual combination of traits, and Glen had grown up with his father's affinity for weapons, while Glenda had inherited her mother's passion for all things glamorous. However, despite sharing similar interests, Glenda had always felt like an outsider in her own family. Glenda was tired of being treated like a princess just because her mother was one. She preferred playing rough and taking part in adventures rather than being adorned in frilly dresses and attending royal events. Tiffany, on the other hand, believed that a true princess embraced elegance and grace. She was determined to mold Glenda into her own image, hoping that Glenda would grow to understand and appreciate the royal lifestyle. One day, an exciting opportunity arrived in town – an archery contest that showcased exceptional talent from all around. Glenda’s eyes twinkled with excitement as she read about it. She couldn't wait to show her family her skills with a bow and arrow, something her mother disapproved of. Despite Tiffany's disapproval, Glenda signed up for the contest and practiced secretly in the mansion's backyard. As Glenda's skills improved, she became more determined to prove herself. However, one day when Glenda accidentally left behind her beloved quilt, Tiffany discovered it. Furious and disappointed, she scolded Glenda, telling her she would never amount to anything if she didn't embrace her royal heritage. Enraged by her mother's criticism, Glenda snapped. She screamed and tore her mother's quilt in anger, not fully understanding the consequences of her actions. In a fit of rage, Tiffany threw Glenda's bow and arrow into a nearby fire. Hurt, Glenda ran away crying, leaving behind her bewildered family. Unbeknownst to Glenda, her anger had triggered a curse that she unknowingly placed upon her mother. Tiffany transformed into a bear, desperately trying to communicate with her daughter but unable to do so. Guilt and fear consumed Glenda when she returned to the mansion and discovered her mother's new form. As she wept over her unconscious mother, another bear appeared, ready to attack Glenda. In a moment of pure instinct, Tiffany fought fiercely to protect her daughter. The bears fought, clawing and growling, but Glenda found herself unable to intervene. Just as the tension became unbearable, Chucky burst into the room, armed to defend his family. However, he couldn't understand who the strange bear before him was. Before he could make his move, Glenda stepped forward, defending the transformed bear - her mother. Together, Glenda and Tiffany managed to break the curse, their combined magic overwhelming the spell that had trapped Tiffany in bear form. Tiffany finally realized the error of her ways, understanding that she had been suffocating her daughter's dreams with her own expectations. In a heartfelt moment, Tiffany apologized to Glenda for not supporting her dreams and hugged her tightly. Tears streamed down both of their faces as they forgave each other, and Chucky joined in the embrace, grateful to have his family whole and happy again. From that day forward, Tiffany let Glenda be who she was meant to be, supporting her in her archery endeavors and encouraging her to follow her heart. And as the years passed, Glenda became a renowned archer, known for her precision and bravery. As for Tiffany and Chucky, they were proud to stand by their daughter, supporting her in everything she did. And so, the family continued their adventures, a united front, with love and understanding at the core of their bond for eternity.