Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda Glenda acts out of character gets depression medicine and goes crazy Chucky stops the pills when she tries to kiss the fan blade and climb the walls chucky picks her up trying to restrain her she returns back to normal they hug it out as a family

Chucky and Tiffany's Twin Children: Glen and Glenda It had been several years since the notorious killer dolls Chucky and Tiffany had settled down and started a family. Their twin children, Glen and Glenda, had grown up in a seemingly normal environment, far removed from their parents' murderous tendencies. However, little did they know that they carried a dark legacy within them. Glen, the more reserved and sensitive of the two, always struggled to come to terms with his heritage. He desperately wanted to distance himself from his parents' past, constantly trying to be the best version of himself. On the other hand, Glenda, much like her namesake, was filled with a rebellious spirit and a mischievous nature. As they entered their teenage years, Glenda began to exhibit increasingly erratic behavior. She acted out of character, engaging in dangerous stunts and disobeying her parents' rules. Concerned, Chucky and Tiffany sought professional help, taking their daughter to a child psychiatrist to understand the root cause of her sudden change. Dr. Anderson diagnosed Glenda with depression, prescribing her medication to balance her moods. At first, it seemed like the pills were working. Glenda's outbursts became less frequent, and she appeared to regain control of herself. However, as time went on, the medication seemed to have an unintended side effect. Glenda became withdrawn, her once vibrant personality seemed to fade away. She stared blankly into space, lost in a haze of medication-induced numbness. Chucky and Tiffany became increasingly worried, feeling like they had traded one problem for another. They knew they had to do something before it was too late. One night, as the family gathered in the living room, Glenda's behavior took a dark turn. She stood up abruptly, her eyes glazed over, and walked over to the fan in the corner of the room. Ignoring her parents' pleas, she reached out to touch the whirring blades. The room filled with tension as Chucky darted towards his daughter, pulling her away just in time. Realizing that the medication may have pushed Glenda over the edge, Chucky made the decision to stop her treatment immediately. He couldn't bear to see his daughter like this, lost in a medicated haze. With trembling hands, he flushed away the remaining pills, determined to find another way to help her. Days turned into weeks, and Chucky and Tiffany watched over their daughter round the clock. They tried to create a loving and stable environment, hoping that it would bring Glenda back to herself. Slowly, they began to see glimpses of the vibrant and mischievous girl they once knew. One evening, as the family sat together in the backyard, Glenda suddenly jumped up and started climbing the walls. Fearful for her safety, Chucky rushed towards her, wrapping his arms around her to try and restrain her. They grappled for a few moments, but Chucky's love and strength prevailed. Glenda's wild eyes softened, and she returned to her senses. With tears streaming down his face, Chucky hugged his daughter tightly, grateful that she was back with him. Tiffany joined in, and the three of them held each other, feeling the weight of their struggles lift off their shoulders. In that moment, they knew that as a family, they could face anything that came their way. From that day forward, Glenda worked hard to overcome her inner demons, relying on her family's love and support. Chucky and Tiffany never stopped encouraging her to be true to herself, assuring her that her past did not define her. Together, they navigated the challenging path to healing, growing closer as a family, and forever grateful for the chance to write their own story, different from the one written by their past.