Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Tiffany hurts Glenda’s feelings by calling her chunky she has stress at school she loses it and has a temper tantrum at the mall when they do a family trip there Tiffany throws her over her shoulders in frustration throwing things and knocking down mannequins chucky and Glen surprised at her tantrum Chucky tried to talk to her at home he drops his mug in shock when she said that he tells Tiffany and gets her an outing her her crazy aunts Patty and Selma they sing who gives a crap by The Simpsons in the park Glenda joins them Tiffany apologizes to her daughter still hurt they do a therapy session to realize how much they love each other and hug it out as a family

Chucky and Tiffany had always found joy in their mischievous adventures as dolls possessed by serial killers. But their lives took a different turn when they found themselves caring for their children, Glen and Glenda. Glen, the gentle and timid one, possessed the purest soul. Glenda, on the other hand, possessed both her parents' mischievous spirits and a fiery temper. One day at school, Glenda encountered a hurtful comment from a classmate. They called her "chunky," referring to her slightly plump figure. The words cut deeply into her sensitive heart, triggering a storm of insecurities. Glenda tried to hold back her tears, but the feeling of isolation lingered within her. The family decided to embark on a quick trip to the mall to lighten the mood. At first, everything seemed normal, but as they strolled through the bustling corridors, Glenda's accumulated stress unleashed. She threw herself onto the ground, wailing and thrashing, causing a scene that turned heads in their direction. Caught off guard, Chucky and Glen watched helplessly, unsure of how to handle their distraught sister. Tiffany, her patience tested to its limits, quickly grew frustrated. In her exasperation, she forcibly hoisted Glenda over her shoulder and began knocking down mannequins and throwing random objects in her path. Chucky and Glen stood shocked, their eyes wide with astonishment. They had never seen Glenda explode like this before. As the chaos continued, Chucky finally managed to gather his thoughts and tried to reach out to his daughter. Back at home, Chucky dropped his coffee mug in shock when Glenda, with tears streaming down her face, expressed how much her mother's comment had hurt her. The whistle of the mug shattering against the floor echoed in the room. Chucky quietly relayed the painful revelation to Tiffany, who felt a pang of remorse course through her. Determined to mend the rift caused by her thoughtless words, Tiffany planned a fun outing with Glenda's eccentric aunts, Patty and Selma. They decided to visit a nearby park, where they sang absurd songs at the top of their lungs. "Who Gives a Crap" by The Simpsons was their anthem for the day, hoping to bring a smile to Glenda's face. Glenda, still hurt by her mother's hurtful comment, tentatively joined in, hesitantly finding solace in the unexpected absurdity of the situation. Tiffany, with tears in her eyes, approached her daughter, finally ready to acknowledge her mistake. She apologized sincerely, expressing how much she loved Glenda and how sorry she was for the pain she had caused. Together, the family decided to attend therapy sessions to delve into their emotions and strengthen their bond. Through tearful conversations and heartfelt revelations, they realized the depth of their love for each other. In a heartfelt moment of vulnerability, Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda embraced, their arms wrapped tightly around one another. From that day forward, Chucky and Tiffany chose their words more carefully, ensuring they fostered an environment of love and acceptance for their children. Glenda, now aware of her own strength and resilience, learned to navigate her own emotions, finding support in her family's unwavering love. As they ventured forward, the family knew that challenges would arise, but now armed with the understanding of each other's vulnerabilities, they were ready to face them together, their bond stronger than ever before.