Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda’s friend warns them at his Halloween party about a ghost named Abagail the candy goes missing and so do some of the guests Glenda goes missing after screaming Abagail Chucky and Tiffany find her unharmed they watch the camera footage seeing Abagail take the candy Chucky and Tiffany protect their children and carry them home

Chucky and Tiffany's life had drastically changed since the arrival of their twin children, Glen and Glenda. One Halloween night, they received an invite to a spooky-themed party at their friend's haunted mansion. Thrilled to let their kids experience the festivities, they accepted the invitation, unaware of the chilling events that would unfold. As the family arrived at the party, their children were instantly drawn to the excitement and mysterious energy permeating the air. Glen, with his innocent yet curious nature, quickly befriended a boy named Tommy, who had been to the party before. Tommy seemed quite knowledgeable about the house and warned Glen and Glenda about a malevolent ghost named Abigail, who supposedly haunted the mansion. Under the moonlit sky, the night wore on, and the party was in full swing. Glen and Glenda, along with their new friend Tommy, marveled at the spooky decorations and indulged in a variety of delicious Halloween candies. However, something sinister lurked in the shadows. Suddenly, a commotion arose when the candy bowl mysteriously went missing. Panic spread throughout the guests as more and more people vanished into thin air. In the midst of the chaos, Glenda, overwhelmed by the eerie ambiance, let out a blood-curdling scream. "Abagail!" Chucky and Tiffany, terrified for their children's safety, quickly sprang into action. They frantically scanned the area for Glenda but found her nowhere in sight. Fear settling in their hearts, they desperately searched the mansion, calling out her name. After what felt like an eternity, they stumbled upon a hidden room, adorned with old photographs and ancient artifacts. In the corner of the room, Glenda sat unharmed but visibly frightened. Relieved, Chucky and Tiffany held her tightly, assuring her that they were there to protect her. Feeling a sense of foreboding, Chucky decided to investigate further. He stumbled upon a surveillance room, filled with screens displaying footage from the missing hours. As he watched the recordings in horror, he discovered Abigail, an ethereal figure, taking the candy and luring guests into the shadows. Determined to keep their family safe, Chucky, Tiffany, and their children made their way back to the party. Armed with the knowledge of the ghost's intentions, they devised a plan to protect themselves and the other attendees. Their fierce expressions did not go unnoticed by Abigail, who lingered nearby. With renewed courage, Chucky and Tiffany rallied the remaining guests and escorted them out, protecting them from Abigail's clutches. They all hurriedly made their way home, where they would be safe from the vengeful specter. Days turned into weeks, and the memories of that Halloween night began to fade. Glen, Glenda, Chucky, and Tiffany clung tightly to one another, grateful for their unharmed reunion. Though Abigail's existence continued to haunt their thoughts, they found solace in their family bond. Little did they know, Abigail, now defeated but not destroyed, lurked in the darkness, biding her time until her next opportunity to unleash terror. But in the end, this frightening encounter only served to reinforce the love and protection between Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda. United and ready to face any challenge, their family stood strong, their love becoming an impenetrable shield against any ghostly threat that dared to cross their path.