Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Tiffany calls Glenda chunky Glenda snaps in the school courtyard throws her backpack at another student for asking her to borrow her things and throws a ball at the principal trying to cheer her up Tiffany takes her to the mall to buy her clothes still heartbroken about her mothers hurtful words she throws a massive tantrum there embarrassed and frustrated Tiffany throws her over her shoulder Chucky, Glen, and the onlookers in shock Chucky tried to talk to her at home he drops his mug in shock when she said that he tells Tiffany and gets her an outing her her crazy aunts Patty and Selma they sing who gives a crap by The Simpsons in the park Glenda joins them Tiffany apologizes to her daughter still hurt they do a therapy session to realize how much they love each other and hug it out as a family

Chucky and Tiffany had always been a loving couple, despite their unconventional family. They were the proud parents of Glen and Glenda, their energetic twin children. Glen had inherited his father's mischievous nature, while Glenda possessed her mother's fierce spirit. However, life took an unexpected turn when Tiffany accidentally called Glenda "Chunky" during a heated argument. The moment those words left Tiffany's lips, Glenda's heart shattered into a million pieces. The hurtful nickname echoed in her mind, causing her emotions to spiral out of control. The following day, in the school courtyard, another student approached Glenda, innocently asking if they could borrow her pens. But unable to bear the pain any longer, Glenda snapped. She flung her backpack at the student, storming away with tears streaming down her face. Later that week, during a school assembly, Glenda was determined to bring a smile to everyone's faces. With a mischievous grin, she picked up a ball lying nearby and tossed it toward the principal, hoping to cheer her up. However, the startled principal stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding the ball. The entire school erupted in shock, leaving Chucky, Glen, and onlookers speechless. Chucky knew he had to do something. He approached Glenda at home, prepared to have a heart-to-heart conversation. As he carefully chose his words, Glenda's response made him drop his mug in shock. "You never loved me, did you, Dad? That's why Mom called me Chunky." Chucky's heart broke at the realization that his daughter truly believed his love was conditional. Rushing to Tiffany, Chucky relayed Glenda's heartbreaking statement. Together, they decided that Glenda needed an outing with her crazy aunts, Patty and Selma, who were always up for a wild time. They hoped this would help Glenda find some solace and understanding. Outside in the park, Patty and Selma joined Chucky, Tiffany, and Glenda. As they all sat down, Patty pulled out her phone, playing a catchy tune that instantly revved up everyone's spirits—a song called "Who Gives a Crap" by The Simpsons. To Glenda's surprise, she found herself giggling and joining in on the chorus. Tiffany couldn't bear to see her daughter hurting any longer. With tears welling up in her eyes, she apologized to Glenda, expressing her remorse for the hurtful nickname. Glenda, still hurt but longing for her mother's love, hesitantly accepted the apology. Recognizing that they needed professional help to heal their fractured relationship, the family decided to attend therapy sessions together. During one of these sessions, buried emotions were brought to the surface. Both Tiffany and Glenda realized the depth of their love for each other, despite the pain they had caused. They hugged it out, tears mixing with laughter as they began to rebuild their shattered bond. As time went on, Glenda slowly began to forgive her parents, understanding that their love for her had never wavered. She realized that, like any family, they had their flaws and made mistakes, but their love remained unwavering. With each passing day, their family grew stronger, embracing their uniqueness and cherishing their unbreakable bond. In the end, the love that Chucky and Tiffany shared for Glen and Glenda overcame all obstacles. With open hearts and a willingness to grow, they found their way back to each other, building a family filled with laughter, forgiveness, and an endless supply of love.