Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Tiffany calls Glenda chunky Glenda snaps in the school courtyard throws her backpack at another student for asking her to borrow her things and throws a ball at the principal trying to cheer her up Tiffany takes her to the mall to buy her clothes still heartbroken about her mothers hurtful words she throws a massive tantrum there embarrassed and frustrated Tiffany throws her over her shoulder Chucky, Glen, and the onlookers in shock Chucky tried to talk to her at home he drops his mug in shock when she said that he tells Tiffany and gets her an outing her her crazy aunts Patty and Selma they sing who gives a crap by The Simpsons in the park Glenda joins them Tiffany apologizes to her daughter still hurt they do a therapy session to realize how much they love each other and hug it out as a family

Once upon a time, Chucky and Tiffany, the infamous horror movie couple, found themselves facing a new challenge in their lives - raising their two children, Glen and Glenda. Glen was a shy and timid child, taking after his father, while Glenda possessed a fiery spirit like her mother. One day, Tiffany made an offhand comment about Glenda's weight, playfully calling her "Chunky Glenda." Little did she know, her words would have a profound effect on her daughter. Glenda's confidence shattered, and her resentment slowly simmered beneath the surface. The breaking point occurred on a sunny day at school, in the crowded courtyard. Another student approached Glenda, requesting to borrow her pen. Sensing an opportunity to release her pent-up anger, Glenda snapped. Without hesitation, she flung her heavy backpack at the unsuspecting student, causing a frenzy of chaos. The principal, hoping to defuse the situation, approached Glenda. Taking Chucky's mischievous spirit to heart, Glenda picked up a ball lying nearby and threw it towards the principal, intending to make her smile. However, the poor woman was struck in the face, leaving her stunned and bewildered. Tiffany, heartbroken over her hurtful words and desperate to reconnect with her daughter, decided it was time to take drastic measures. She whisked Glenda away to the mall, hoping a shopping spree would lift her spirits. But as they wandered through the stores, Glenda's anger and frustration reached a boiling point. In the middle of a department store, surrounded by curious onlookers, Glenda exploded in a tantrum of epic proportions. Her screams resonated throughout the area, causing embarrassment for both her and Tiffany. Unable to contain her frustration any longer, Tiffany resorted to drastic measures. She scooped up Glenda, ignoring the astonished stares from Chucky, Glen, and the mall visitors, and carried her out over her shoulder like a naughty child. Back at home, Chucky attempted to have a calm and honest conversation with Glenda. As he shared his concern, a mug slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor, mirroring the shock he felt at Glenda's response. Chucky confided in Tiffany, and together they decided to organize an outing with Glenda's eccentric aunts, Patty and Selma. They spent the day at the park, with the aunts entertaining them all. In an attempt to lighten the mood, Patty and Selma started singing the ridiculous song, "Who Gives a Crap," from their favorite show, The Simpsons. Surprisingly, Glenda found herself joining in, her anger dissipating with each silly lyric. Tiffany, recognizing the need to make amends, deeply apologized to Glenda. Tear-streaked faces gazed into each other's eyes, both still bearing the pain caused by hurtful words. Realizing the depth of their love for each other, they decided to engage in a family therapy session to heal their hearts. Through tears and laughter, they uncovered their shared vulnerabilities and insecurities. And as the session drew to a close, a warm embrace between Glenda, Tiffany, Chucky, and even Glen affirmed their undying love for each other. From that day forward, the family vowed to cherish and celebrate their unique bond. No longer would harsh words tear them apart. Together, they faced the world as a united front, ready to take on any challenges that came their way.