Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda shooter in their classroom under lockdown Chucky and Tiffany worried about their children the classmates call 911 the police don’t come Glen, Glenda, the teacher classmates fight the shooter who shot some their classmates when they break the window to get out when Chucky and Tiffany find them and cradle and hold them

Chucky and Tiffany, the deadly duo of dolls, watched with worry as their children, Glen and Glenda, made their way to school. It was a typical day in their small, quiet town, but the parents' hearts were filled with unease. Recent news of school shootings had left them feeling vulnerable, fearing for the safety of their precious offspring. Hours passed, and anxiety gnawed at Chucky and Tiffany as they anxiously waited for the school day to end. They sat still in their doll bodies, unable to manifest their fears physically. It was a torturous feeling, unable to protect their children from the incomprehensible horrors that unfolded far too often. But their worst fears became a terrifying reality when a lockdown announcement echoed through the hallways. Panic spread throughout the school like wildfire, and Chucky and Tiffany's hearts dropped as they desperately tried to contact their children. The thought of Glen and Glenda being in the midst of such an unspeakable act of violence struck them with unimaginable pain. As the minutes turned into agonizing hours, the children's classmates bravely took action. They huddled together, finding strength in their numbers, and dialed 911 on their phones. But to their utter disbelief, the dispatcher's voice on the other end of the line only brought disappointment and frustration - the police were nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Glen, Glenda, and their fellow students were trapped with no sign of escape from the danger that lurked within their school. Fear gripped them all, but they soon realized that their only chance of survival lay in their own hands. The classroom door barricaded, they devised an audacious plan to overpower the shooter. Glen, who had inherited his father's cunning, took the lead. With Glenda at his side, they rallied their classmates, teaching them how to defend themselves with whatever they had available. It was a battle for their lives, their innocent young minds consumed by a fight they should never have known. But their strength and resilience surprised even themselves. During the chaos, the shooter ruthlessly wounded some of their classmates, leaving the walls tainted with pain and despair. Fueled by raw determination, the children fought back, disarming their assailant. The sound of shattering glass filled the air as they crashed through the window, escaping to the outside world. As Chucky and Tiffany, filled with dread and desperation, raced to the school, they were met with a horrifying sight. Sirens blared in the distance, but they were too late to prevent the tragedy that had unfolded. And yet, the sight of their children emerged through the broken window cradled within their peers' arms, brought waves of relief over the grieving parents. Chucky and Tiffany rushed to their children, their plastic forms melting away into living, breathing beings as their love and anguish merged into one. They held Glen and Glenda tightly, tears streaming down their faces, whispering words of comfort and love. Though they couldn't prevent the pain their children had endured, they vowed to be their unwavering protectors from that day forward. In the aftermath, the town came together in grief and solidarity, refusing to let fear cripple them. Glen and Glenda, along with their resilient classmates, became symbols of strength and hope in the face of unthinkable tragedy. And while they would carry the scars of that fateful day, the children found solace in the embrace of their parents and the knowledge that they were never alone. Chucky and Tiffany, forever bonded by their love for their children, knew that life would never be the same. But together, as a family, they vowed to face whatever challenges the world would throw their way, fiercely protecting the innocence of their children and striving to heal the deep scars that had marred their small, quiet town.