A historical pirate with a treasure map, on a tropical island.

Create a vivid and adventurous image of a historical East Asian male pirate, standing on a tropical island's sandy beach. The pirate is adorned in stereotypical attire, such as a tricorn hat, a long sea-tattered coat, and a sword with an interestingly crafted hilt. He's holding a yellowed parchment--a treasure map, speckled with cryptic symbols and a prominent red 'X'. Verdant palm trees sway in the background, and a fiery sunset scatters a palette of warm hues across the sky. Emphasize the unique features and exaggerated facial expressions characteristic to traditional anime to bring this character to life.

Create a vivid and adventurous image of a historical East Asian male pirate, standing on a tropical island's sandy beach. The pirate is adorned in stereotypical attire, such as a tricorn hat, a long sea-tattered coat, and a sword with an interestingly crafted hilt. He's holding a yellowed parchment--a treasure map, speckled with cryptic symbols and a prominent red 'X'. Verdant palm trees sway in the background, and a fiery sunset scatters a palette of warm hues across the sky. Emphasize the unique features and exaggerated facial expressions characteristic to traditional anime to bring this character to life.

A historical pirate with a treasure map, on a tropical island.

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